MyChat 2023.4 — editing messages

  1. Editing messages in private and conference dialogues
  2. Improved security measures
  3. Full list of changes + development history
  4. How to update to the latest version?

1. Editing messages in private and conference dialogues

You can edit only own messages sent to conferences and private dialogues. By default, the rights for editing messages applied for all user groups:

MyChat rights for message editing

Time for editing messages is limited (15 minutes, by default). This is for avoiding meaningless chaos in conversations:

MyChat rights for message editing time

To edit a sent message, press the button "Up" on the keyboard when an input field is empty (that allows message editing). Or chose any message by a right-mouse click:

MyChat message editing

For sent messages there is an adding note that says that a message was edited. By pointing a mouse at it, you can see who and when edited a message for the last time.

You can only edit text messages.

Editing technology for sent messages work in MyChat for all platforms: Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and WEB browser.

Also, we added a fuzzy search technology that allows to edit messages in a different yet similar way. For example, you send a message and see a minor mistake in it: one or two wrong letters in one or more words. It is much faster to correct a word with the asterisk (*) sign and send it back. The program will figure out what needs to be replaced in the original phrase:

Editing messages with asterisk in MyChat

More details are in the Help.

2. Improved security measures

A user could download a configured file for a win32 client from MyChat lobby without entering a server's security password (if an organization use it). Also, a password's hash is checked during a work process when a user enters it manually on the lobby page.

3. Full list of changes + development history

Development history with developers' comments

MyChat Client

[+] editing own messages in conferences during a limited period of time;
[+] editing own messages in private dialogues during a limited period of time;
[+] (win32) automatic toast notifications when copying message text, links, and images to the clipboard;

[*] (win32) after exiting a suspend mode, a re-connection timer resets to let the application connect to the server faster;

[-] (win32) clicking on the three-dots icon in a conference to open the menu does not work. Fixed;
[-] (android) fixed error "Expected 'Upgrade' header value 'websocket' but was 'null' that occurs when connecting to the server;
[-] (ios) incorrect work when switching between main and alternative server's addresses. Fixed;
[-] (android) fixed display for new broadcasts;
[-] (win32) if a dialogue does not contain any messages, then pointing a cursor on this conference (Ctrl+2) or a private dialogue (Ctrl+2) generates unnecessary traffic of requests on the server;
[-] (android) fixed work of the menu item "Share" from other applications;
[-] (mac, linux) incorrect display of message delivery status in private dialogues (single tick). Fixed;
[-] (android) fixed bugs in notifications for Android 13;
[-] (android) incorrect display for the message type "Reply": users' name mix with each other. Fixed;

MyChat Server

[*] when changing the limit on the maximum size of the file uploaded to the chat, you do not need to reconnect clients because the setting is now applied to all online applications;
[*] (kanban) added setting for cards height — fixed/by contents;
[*] the server's database updates if user groups contain only phantom users deleted in previous versions;
[*] remade script function mIntegrationTelegramSendMessage. Now it executes in asynchronous mode, the type changed, the results write to a system log;
[*] on the Admin Panel, when changing the composition of a user group included in auto-created conferences, the user lists on client applications update on the fly, a server restart is not required;
[*] when deleting a user group that was included in one or more auto-created conferences, then the lists of people in client applications update immediately;

[-] (lobby) fixed security issues;
[-] (lobby) a user could download the win32 client without typing a password on the server where it's required;
[-] error when recalculating users in a conference, if a creator leaves it but does not close or delete it. Fixed;
[-] when switching an auto-created conference to "Connect all" mode, the database contains binding to groups, if any, and after restart they are visible;
[-] fixed a few errors dealing with synchronization when editing conference properties and deleting/adding user groups to them;
[-] (kanban) error when adding a new stage to the project: the new stage index does not process. Fixed.

4. How to update to the latest version?

Both commercial and free versions are updated in the same way. The server is updated first, then the clients. In general, this process is performed automatically.

Instruction for updating MyChat

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