New releases, updates, important announcements and sales discounts. Information about future versions
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat versions history

The brackets show the date when a new feature was created or when a bug was fixed.

[+] new feature;
[*] fixed bug or improved feature;
[-] fixed bug.

MyChat Client
[+] (10.22.2021) (Android) added buttons "Select all", "Invert", "Clear" on the screen of creating broadcasts;
[+] (10.21.2021) users' GPS tracking system (Android for now, iOS soon);
[+] (09.30.2021) tool for firing users; it's enabled by Rights on the server;

[*] (10.13.2021) "Ctrl" + "3" in the chat window switches between common and personal contacts, if it's allowed by rights;
[*] (10.13.2021) when there is too long text in the private information field, then it is shown instantly in the hint after pointing a mouse on the text. The hint disappears automatically after 3 seconds;
[*] (09.29.2021) if changing some settings in the client after applying the server settings template, then after the next connection this template will be forcefully applied again;
[*] (09.28.2021) (Android) added highlights for links, phone numbers, email on the Announcements board;

[-] (10.19.2021) (Android) the applications shuts down on devices with 8.0 (API 26) when launching barcode scanner. Fixed;
[-] (10.18.2021) when deleting own message in a conference, and then switching to another dialogue and return back to the first conference, an empty line is displayed in the window of common messages. Fixed;
[-] (10.18.2021) (iOS) incoming notifications do not always display user's name. Fixed;
[-] (10.18.2021) (Android) incoming notification does not process user gender correctly, always using the neutral gender in the read status line. Fixed;
[-] (10.18.2021) (Android) when switching between different servers (without removing the application from the memory), and if there are users with the same UINs, then users' names displayed incorrectly. Fixed;
[-] (09.29.2021) fixed error when downloading the server settings template when the client is offline during the process;
[-] (09.28.2021) clicking on links on the announcements board(Ctrl+F12) does not work. Fixed;
[-] (09.28.2021) if there is a deleted message in a conference, then when switching to it in dialogues(Ctrl+2) the badge for unread messages does not disappear. Fixed;
[-] (09.24.2021) when inserting formatted text (Alt+T), if between colored text blocks was spaces, they were ingnored. Fixed;
[-] (09.24.2021) sometimes, when a user is a conference moderator and was logged in from several devices at the same time, then he was colored in black instead of red in the conference user list. It affected the accessibility of the context menu for administration features. Fixed;
[-] (09.20.2021) deleting messages in conferences works incorrectly even when checking the option "Delete for all". Messages are deleted anyway for all conference members. Fixed;
[-] (09.13.2021) (macOS)(Linux)(WinAlternative) a call ends when switching to a dialogue with offline user. Fixed;
[-] (09.13.2021) (macOS)(Linux)(WinAlternative) incorrect IP address is used for downloading files and viewing images when connecting to the alternative server address. Fixed;
[-] (09.10.2021) (iOS) fixed issues, when the list of conferences remains empty;
[-] (09.10.2021) (iOS) the list of conferences does not clear after switching accounts;
[-] (09.09.2021) (Android) switching between the main and alternative server's address does not work. Fixed;
[-] (09.09.2021) (iOS) incorrect calculating of a file's size. Fixed;
[-] (09.09.2021) (iOS) sometimes the badge for unread dialogues does not work correctly on the navigation tabs. Fixed;

MyChat Server
[+] (09.30.2021) technology for firing users that works on Admin Panel, User Management (you can choose several users at once), and in user profiles, the section "Work";
[+] (09.23.2021) console command "remove gpshistory" for clearing the history of a user's GPS tracking from the server's database;
[+] (09.15.2021) (MSL) function mGetGeoPosition for requesting latitude and longitude of a user's online device (Android or iOS);

[*] (10.13.2021) (Kanban) when pressing the plus button in the stage header, the task is added to this stage, and not to the first one;
[*] (10.13.2021) (Kanban) the project identification is always written in the address bar for copying option;
[*] (09.15.2021) cache system for rights groups to increase connection speed of a big number of users;
[*] (09.13.2021) sometimes, when importing users from a domain, it was impossible to create a list of common contacts based on their department tree. Import procedure is improved;

[-] (10.18.2021) (Kanban) when adding a new picture via task editing, this image does not display in the task card after saving. Fixed;
[-] (10.15.2021) the "listening-port" parameter is ignored when configuring STUN/TURN servers for calls — the port is always 8888. Fixed;
[-] (09.24.2021) when deleting a user from the server, his personal groups and entries from common and personal groups do not delete. Fixed;
[-] (09.24.2021) when deleting a user from a server, then this account does not delete from a personal contact list, if it is there. Fixed;
[-] (09.24.2021) the server does not return full information in a private window for registered users according to the list of constants (COMPUTER_NET_NAME, IP_ADDRESS, MAC_ADDRESS, ROLE, etc.). Fixed;
[-] (09.15.2021) error in statuses of newly connected users. Sometime the list of online users contains disconnected accounts. Fixed;
[-] (09.15.2021) (Admin) when managing users profiles, the tab "Work", and change the department for the account, then the server freezes. Fixed;
[-] (09.12.2021) (MSL) function mGetUserGroupsListAsJSON works incorrectly and returns all common groups instead of those where a user is a member. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.09.2021) (iOS) incorrect calculating of a file's size. Fixed;
[-] (09.09.2021) (iOS) sometimes the badge for unread dialogues does not work correctly on the navigation tabs. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.09.2021) (Android) switching between the main and alternative server's address does not work. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.10.2021) (iOS) fixed issues, when the list of conferences remains empty;
[-] (09.10.2021) (iOS) the list of conferences does not clear after switching accounts.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Server
[-] (09.12.2021) (MSL) function mGetUserGroupsListAsJSON works incorrectly and returns all common groups instead of those where a user is a member. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.13.2021) (macOS)(Linux)(WinAlternative) incorrect IP address is used for downloading files and viewing images when connecting to the alternative server address. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.13.2021) (macOS)(Linux)(WinAlternative) a call ends when switching to a dialogue with offline user. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Server
[*] (09.15.2021) cache system for rights groups to increase connection speed of a big number of users;

[-] (09.15.2021) error in statuses of newly connected users. Sometime the list of online users contains disconnected accounts. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.20.2021) deleting messages in conferences works incorrectly even when checking the option "Delete for all". Messages are deleted anyway for all conference members. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.21.2021) when adding the task to Kanban project (Alt+K) the deadline date sets up incorrectly. Fixed;

MyChat Server
[*] (09.21.2021) (Kanban) all dates and time in project management converted into UTC.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Server
[+] (09.23.2021) console command "remove gpshistory" for clearing the history of a user's GPS tracking from the server's database.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.24.2021) when inserting formatted text (Alt+T), if between colored text blocks was spaces, they were ingnored. Fixed;
[-] (09.24.2021) sometimes, when a user is a conference moderator and was logged in from several devices at the same time, then he was colored in black instead of red in the conference user list. It affected the accessibility of the context menu for administration features. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Server
[-] (09.24.2021) when deleting a user from a server, then this account does not delete from a personal contact list, if it is there. Fixed;
[-] (09.24.2021) the server does not return full information in a private window for registered users according to the list of constants (COMPUTER_NET_NAME, IP_ADDRESS, MAC_ADDRESS, ROLE, etc.). Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[*] (09.28.2021) (Android) added highlights for links, phone numbers, email on the Announcements board.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (09.28.2021) if there is a deleted message in a conference, then when switching to it in dialogues(Ctrl+2) the badge for unread messages does not disappear. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[*] (09.29.2021) if changing some settings in the client after applying the server settings template, then after the next connection this template will be forcefully applied again;

[-] (09.29.2021) fixed error when downloading the server settings template when the client is offline during the process.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[+] (09.30.2021) tool for firing users; it's enabled by Rights on the server;

Fire a user in MyChat
mychat-dismission.png (38.51 KiB) Viewed 18696 times

MyChat Server
[+] (09.30.2021) technology for firing users that works on Admin Panel, User Management (you can choose several users at once), and in user profiles, the section "Work".

What happens when you fire a user:
1. His account gets blocked.
2. A user gets removed from the common contact list.
3. Personal contact lists of this user get deleted.
4. The user gets deleted from all personal contacts of other users.
5. The user gets deleted from all groups (common and personal).
6. The user gets deleted from all private dialogues in client applications of other people.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Server
[*] (10.13.2021) (Kanban) when pressing the plus button in the stage header, the task is added to this stage, and not to the first one;
[*] (10.13.2021) (Kanban) the project identification is always written in the address bar for copying option.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[*] (10.13.2021) when there is too long text in the private information field, then it is shown instantly in the hint after pointing a mouse on the text. The hint disappears automatically after 3 seconds.

MyChat hint
action.png (5.32 KiB) Viewed 18567 times
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Server
[-] (10.15.2021) the "listening-port" parameter is ignored when configuring STUN/TURN servers for calls — the port is always 8888. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (10.18.2021) (iOS) incoming notifications do not always display user's name. Fixed;
[-] (10.18.2021) (Android) incoming notification does not process user gender correctly, always using the neutral gender in the read status line. Fixed;
[-] (10.18.2021) (Android) when switching between different servers (without removing the application from the memory), and if there are users with the same UINs, then users' names displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (10.18.2021) when deleting own message in a conference, and then switching to another dialogue and return back to the first conference, an empty line is displayed in the window of common messages. Fixed;

MyChat Server
[-] (10.18.2021) (Kanban) when adding a new picture via task editing, this image does not display in the task card after saving. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[-] (10.19.2021) (Android) the applications shuts down on devices with 8.0 (API 26) when launching barcode scanner. Fixed.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[+] (10.21.2021) users' GPS tracking system (Android for now, iOS soon).

This feature is regulated by rights on the server. View in the Windows application. Set the time range for viewing coordinated, choose which device type to track (Android or iPhone). Also, it shows the last known point of the user's location and his route.

MyChat geoposition and routes
geoposition.png (191.43 KiB) Viewed 18567 times
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[*] (10.13.2021) "Ctrl" + "3" in the chat window switches between common and personal contacts, if it's allowed by rights.
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Alona Kutsenko
MyChat Client
[+] (10.22.2021) (Android) added buttons "Select all", "Invert", "Clear" on the screen of creating broadcasts.