The brackets show the date when a new feature was created or when a bug was fixed.
[+] new feature;
[*] fixed bug or improved feature;
[-] fixed bug.
MyChat Client
[+] (02.24.2021) (macOS) implemented a system for updating clients from the server automatically;
[+] (02.03.2021) (Android) added the option to clear the cache in the application setting (files, logs, avatars);
[*] (02.24.2021) redesigned rendering of the right information block about a user in a private dialogue;
[*] (02.24.2021) settings for fields in a private dialogue when calling a context menu by clicking on the information about a user under the photo;
[*] (02.24.2021) plugin menu in a context menu in personal/common contacts;
[*] (02.24.2021) multi-select option by Ctrl/Shift in a personal contact list;
[*] (02.22.2021) redesigned context menu in the personal contact list;
[*] (02.22.2021) exporting and importing a personal contact list into a text file in UTF8 encoding;
[*] (02.19.2021) improved update system with automatic resumed uploading of the distributional file;
[*] (02.07.2021) mcserver.log is written in UTF8 instead of ASCII;
[-] (02.24.2021) broadcast issue, when open it in a conference by right mouse button — the window is not modal. Fixed
[-] (02.16.2021) when sending an image from the clipboard from Excel into chat, and then copying using the mouse right button, it adds the image resolution at the beginning of the text. Fixed;
[-] (02.04.2021) when pressing the button "Up" in a private dialogue, the message input field increases in size vertically. Fixed;
[-] (02.04.2021) (Android) when entering the settings page on Android lower than 8 version, the error occurs and the application shuts down. Fixed;
MyChat Server
[+] (02.16.2021) integration with Asterisk to automate the calls between IP phones via chat;
[*] (02.24.2021) improved system for the cache system of WEB server files;
[*] (02.17.2021) Polish language in settings templates;
[*] (02.05.2021) now when creating new users or editing login/email information, the system ignores the letter case of the nicknames and emails (User21 and user21 are the same nicknames);
[-] (02.17.2021) update file download did not work sometimes in "Tools", "Updates". Fixed;
[-] (02.17.2021) when installing the server "from scratch" to the folder AllUsers, the distributional file for MyChat Client does not extract;
[-] (02.05.2021) error when editing users' profiles, if the rule for prohibiting nicknames and emails duplicating is on;
[-] (02.05.2021) (Admin) the checking for PUSH messages does not work in the tool for checking if the services are available;
[-] (02.05.2021) (Admin) if the error dealing with duplicating a name or email address occurs, the previous values of the user's profile do not return;
[-] (02.05.2021) sometimes, when uploading a file on the server, the cache system does not add a service handler, this file is impossible to download. Fixed;
[-] (02.04.2021) information regarding the last user network login is unavailable. Fixed.